

Thank you to all those who prayed for us during our exam. Thank you for all your support. After two months of waiting, I finally got my exam results this afternoon . . . and I passed! And the score that I got was more than what I hoped for!

Please allow me to extend my deepest, most heartfelt gratitude to all those who showed their unwavering love, support and patience during and after our exam...

...to my family for always, always being there for me and for believing in me and allowing me to chase after my dreams in my own time.

...to Jerome's parents, thank you for "adopting" me during our stay in the US and for showing us that there's more to US than Disneyland and Universal Studios.

...to my cousins, Kathleen and Karl, for the great time that we had in LA - at Disneyland and Universal Studios! Haha!

...to my blood sisters, Miel and Noemi, for their patience during my "windang" moments before the exam and for gladly taking over my job responsibilities for a month. No words can express how grateful I am to have you as my "sisters".

...to Dada and Tricia, for never doubting that Jerome and I can get through this. :-)

...to my boss, who inspite of everything, made us feel that she is behind us 100% in all that we do.

...to Rach, Gail and Chichi, for listening to my fears and anxieties over countless cups of Starbucks coffee. Wednesdays will always be FPGEE Support Group 101. :-p

...to Hubert and Susan, for reminding us to take a break from studying once in a while. :-)

...to Jimmy and Chiqui, for their constant presence.

...and to GOD, to whom we will forever be grateful for the guidance He provided during the exam. We could not have done this without You.

Author's Note: Jerome hasn't received his exam results yet. Please continue to pray for him although there's no doubt that he passed too. :-)

1 comment:

Chiqui said...

Congrats again Mara and Jerome! Miss you guys na.