
Pursuing My Happiness

I have always been a people pleaser. I find it hard to say no to people, acquaintances and friends alike.

I have always been sensitive about other people’s feelings. I have been blessed with this gift of sensing discomfort, hurt or pain, in spite of a smile plastered on one’s face.

I have always been considerate of others. I would willingly set aside my comfort for another person’s solace.

I have always been unselfish. I would readily lend my ear to someone who needs to be listened to, extend a helping hand even without being asked, and allow others to feel that they can come to me for encouragement, support or consolation.

I have been like this ever since I can remember. Always considering others’ needs before my own.

But for once in my life, I allowed myself to think about “me” first. I allowed my emotions to sit in front row, and others’ feelings behind it. I let my happiness run wild and free.

And I am at my happiest right now. Because I know I did the right thing. Finally, I found the man I am going to marry. I found the man I am going to spend the rest of my life with.

But I know by doing this, I have hurt people along the way. . . people significant in my life. And with this, I am truly sorry. I never intended for this to transpire. It wasn’t planned or arranged. It just happened.

And my one and only wish is for people to be happy for me. Really, truly and sincerely happy.

For my friends who have stood by me through those trying times, thank you so much. I will forever be grateful for your unconditional love and support. Thank you for accepting and allowing me to run after my happiness.

For our families who have been witness to how our love story unfolded, thank you. Thank you for your words of advice and comfort. It is with you that we got our strength to continue with the rough roads ahead.

And to the man I love, thank you for coming into my life. You are the one God intended for me all along.


Anonymous said...

"I never intended for this to transpire. It wasn’t planned or arranged. It just happened."

moonlightblogger said...

Life is indeed full of surprises. Things happen beyond our control. And there will always be unexpected things that would transpire in our lives, and we just have to go with the flow, follow our hearts and be happy. Ü As long as you're happy, I'll be happy for you and Jerome. You deserve to be happy. Ü

Mara said...

Thanks dada. You're one of those people who were there for us during those times. :)

Chiqui said...


you know i'm always, always happy for you ma.

Mara said...

hi chiqui! i know you are. thanks. :)