
Missing Mom

It has been three weeks since my mom left the country to work abroad and now, the house feels a lot emptier without her.

If I had my way, I would have preferred that my mom stayed here in the Philippines. I know that inspite of our financial struggles, she was happy here. She loved her job and her colleagues, she enjoys after-office drinks with her friends and more importantly, her family is here and this is her home.

And aside from missing her presence around the house, it doesn't help that the country she's working in right now is not the safest place in the world. Hay!

But I have faith that God is looking out for her. His presence have always been felt by our family and I have no doubt that He will continue to be there for us.

I terribly, terribly miss my mom. I miss riding to work with her and her endless stories in the morning. Kahit na antok na antok pa ko and all I can do is nod and grunt. Haha. I miss hanging out with her on Sundays, eating Eaji and drinking Coke after hearing mass. I miss watching The Buzz with her as we listen to the latest showbiz stories or just simply marvel at Kris' clothes and pa-sosyal antics (but we love Kris anyway). I miss the gourmet sandwiches that she makes for my baon. I think even Baron, our Japanese spitz, misses his morning walks with my mom during weekends. I just miss every little thing about her.

But I know she went through with this for me, Arvin and Lola. Being a single parent isn't easy and she had to make sacrifices. And with that, I am very proud of her.

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