
For lack of a better post...


1. Are you single? -- In a wonderful relationship.
2. Are you happy about that? -- Super!
3. Are you bored? -- A little, I'm stuck here at home nursing a cold.
4. Are you sad? -- Thankfully, I'm not.
5. Are you Italian? -- Pure Filipino itetch!
6. Are you plastic? -- If there's one thing about me, I'm too transparent. Sometimes to a fault.
8. Are you cool? -- Siguro naman, hehe.
9. Are you Chinese? -- See answer number 5.
10.What are you? -- A woman with very little needs. Hehe.


1. Initials -- MNSG
2. Nicknames -- Mara, Mars, Ma
3. Birth place -- Quezon City
4. Hair color -- Dark brown
5. Hair style -- simple shoulder-length hair, nothing fancy.
6. Eye color -- Dark Brown
7. Birthday -- March 23
8. Mood -- Sick, I have colds and a slight fever.
9. Favorite color -- Green
10. Left or right handed -- Right-handed


1. Love or money? -- Love
2. Hard liquor or beer? -- Beer for social drinking
3. Cats or dogs? -- Dogs
4. A few best friends or many regular friends? -- Few best friends
5. Television or Internet? -- Both
6. Pepsi or coke? -- Coke
7. Wild night out or romantic night in? -- romantic night in
8. Money or Happiness? -- Happiness
9. Night or day? -- Night
10. AIM or phone? -- Phone


1. Been caught sneaking out -- I have never sneaked out. Does that make me a loser?
2. Been skinny dipping? -- No
3. Done something you regret-- Not really, although sometimes you would want to turn back time and do things differently.
4. Bungee jumped? -- Because of my fear of heights, bungee jumping is something I don't think I can ever do.
6. Finished an entire jaw breaker? -- Yup, is that something to be proud of? Hehe.
7. Changed a diaper? -- Yup, my brother's!
8. Wanted an ex back? -- No, when you break up there's no turning back.
9. Cried because you lost a pet? -- Yup, it was Jerome's dog actually. But I was the one who gave it to him. So there. :(
10. Wanted to disappear? -- I have my days. Hehe.


1. Smile or eyes: -- Smile
2. Light or dark hair: -- Dont care
3. Hugs or kisses: -- Both!
4. Intelligence or attraction? -- Attraction to his personality
5. Hook-up or relationship -- Relationship
6. Trust or love?: -- Trust and love both come hand in hand
7. Long distance or close? - Close!
8. Call or text? : -- Both
9. Older or younger? : Older pero wag naman sobra. 1 - 5 years is A-ok.
10.Looks or Personality: -- Personality


1. Last phone call you made : -- Jerome
2. Last phone call you received: -- Jerome
3. Last person/people you hung out with? - Jerome at Mocha Blends
4. Last person to text you: -- Jerome pa rin, to say goodnight.
5. Last person you tackled?: -- None
6. Last person you im'd?: -- My mom (through YM)
7 Last person you talked to?: -- Arvin and Lola
8. Last person you hugged? -- Jerome
9. Last person you slept with? -- Arvin, my brother and Baron, our dog.

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